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Wall Pipe Mounting

Explore all wall pipe mounting options.

Ordering Information

Part NumberProduct DescriptionTypeDownload Spec Sheet
MAR-XP2020XCrossover Plate, 2-3/8" OD to 2-3/8" OD (60.3 mm OD to 60.3 mm OD)MountDownload
MAR-XP2030XCrossover Plate, 2-3/8" OD to 3-1/2" OD (60.3 mm OD to 88.9 mm OD)MountDownload
MAR-CO200XUniversal Crossover Plate for 1-1/2" to 5" OD Round MembersMountDownload
MAR-XP2025XCrossover Plate Kit, 2-3/8" OD X 2-7/8" ODMountDownload
MAR-BC3514XPipe to Pipe Clamp 2-3/8" to 5" OD, Heavy DutyMountDownload
MAR-HDWM08Wall Mount for Solid Walls, 8" Offset, for 1" OD to 2-1/2" OD PipeMountDownload
MAR-HWHK1212Hollow Wall Mount Hardware KitMount KitDownload
MAR-JPM22XJ-Pipe Mount and Foot, 1-5/8" x 22" MastMountDownload
MAR-ACSD24XDual Leg Cable Support Bracket, Fits 1.9"-4.5" OD PipeMountDownload
MAR-SAB12XBracket, Stiff Arm with 2-3/8" OD X 12'6" PipeMountDownload
MAR-MT651XGalvanized Pipe, 2-3/8" OD x 72"PipeDownload
MAR-MT65196XGalvanized Pipe, 2-3/8" OD x 96"PipeDownload
MAR-MT537XGalvanized Pipe, 2-3/8" OD x 126"PipeDownload
MAR-MT651120XPipe 2-3/8" O.D. X 10' (120"), 0.12" Wall, HDG, ASTM A500 GR. CPipeDownload
MAR-MT546120XPipe 2-7/8" O.D. X 10' (120"), 0.12" Wall, HDG, ASTM A500 GR. CPipeDownload
MAR-MT546126XPipe 2-7/8" O.D. X 10'6" (126"), 0.12" Wall, HDG, ASTM A500 GR. CPipeDownload
MAR-MT547126XPipe 3-1/2" O.D. X 10'6" (126"), 0.12" Wall, HDG, ASTM A500 GR. CPipeDownload
MAR-MT651150XPipe 2-3/8" O.D. X 12'6" (150"), 0.12" Wall, HDG, ASTM A500 GR. CPipeDownload
MAR-BC2010XVertical Pipe to Pipe Adapter Joins Two 1-1/2"OD to 3-1/2" OD PipesPipe AccessoryDownload

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